Genetic disorders is illnesses that are caused by mutations or changes in genes or chromosomes. There are four types of genetic abnormalities single-gene, multifactorial, chromosomal and mitochondrial.
Ectodermal Dysplasia
Ectodermal Dysplasia is a disorder caused by a gene defection, caused by a gene. it is sex-linked, and it is recessive. The symptoms of the disease are a abnormal growth in nails, missing teeth, a decrease in tears, decrease in sweat, or a thin skin. There arn't really any tretments but there is stuff you can do to help your treatment from getting really bad. You can wer a wig to approve image, use artificial tears, or live in cooler climates. All age groups are affected. The most race it affects the most are caucasian people. The lateset estimate for how many people have the disorder is seven out of every 10,000 babies are affected.
Down Syndrome
Down syndrome is a genetic condition when a person has 47 chromosomes except of 46. It is caused by a extra copy of chromosome 21. With that said it is caused by a chromosome. It is a sex-linked disorder. Kids with the disorder have a disformed face. Like the hed can be round but the back of the head can be flat. It can also cause a decrease in muscle tone at birth. There is really no cure for the disorder. You could get surgery to fix your face, but that is about it. It starts when you are born so you stay with it. there are more caucasians then any other race. They say one out of every one thousand people are born with it.
Thalassemia is caused by a blood disorder passed down through families when the body makes a deformed form of hemoglobin, The protien inside our red blood cell. It is caused by the gene. It is a sex-linked disorder.It is also dominant trait. A symptom for the disorder is death at birth. Another symptom is a growth failure, liver and spleen swelling, or yellow skin. Treatment for the disorder is a regular blood transfusion and folate supplements. The disorder happens when you are born so you will have it untill you get cured. There are more pakistan people with it then anyone else. There are more then 7,000 people with the disorder. Six thousand kids have the disorder.
Wht is a symptom of Ectodermal Dysplasia
Gene defects is what cause Ectodermal Dysplasia
What is down syndrome caused by
How many chromosomes do you have with down syndrome
What is a tretment for thalassemia
Both parents have to have thalassemia in order for their child to have it
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